Sunday, May 15, 2011

Subject Title: Maths Performance Task - Personal Reflection

(I)Role of Statistics in Real Life

Statistics means a collection and analysing of data in large quantities. I think that statistics to me is a very useful tool that can be applicable to many things. I have learnt to organise the data collected better and neater. I also learnt different ways of drawing graphs like stem and leaf diagram, bar graph, histogram etc. My favourite graph is the stem and leaf diagram, as it is easy to read and understand. With the stem and leaf diagram, I also can find the mean, median and mode easily thus I like the stem and leaf diagram the most.

Statistics is mostly used for researchers or ‘survey taking people’ for organising the data collected. I keep track of my expenditure by drawing a bar graph on how much I spent every week and it helps a lot as it can keep track on how much I saved each week and what can I do to save more. I will also compare the amount of money I spent each week and decide if I can be able to spend lesser money. I noticed that my family’s usage of electricity, water and gas.

I think that the ‘Singapore Power’ use such graph so that the citizen can understand the information better and with ease. A multitude of different statistical tools is available, some of them simple, some complicated, and often very specific for certain purposes. In analytical work, the most important common operation is the comparison of data, or sets of data, to quantify accuracy (bias) and precision. It is applicable to a wide variety of academic disciplines, from the physical and social sciences to the humanities; it is also used and misused for making informed decisions in all areas of business and government. Statistics can be ‘embedded’ within my learning by organising my time for study and play etc.

In the newspaper articles, there are weather reports. These weather reports are showed in the from of a pictogram, it can also be in the form of a pie chart. There are also reports on the population size of Singapore in the newspaper and this can be showed in the form of a bar graph. Overall, I think that statistics can be used in many things like newspaper articles, science and many more, which makes it really useful and because of the fact that it can be used on many things, students can make use of it in a way that it benefits them.

(II)Learning Experience

Our group has equally divided the tasks and do them. We then combine our own assigned tasks together and discuss. Our group is very organised and we don't really make a lot of noises (unlike the other group who make so much noise that I cannot really concentrate). My group also can prioritise our tasks well. My group does not really have a role except the leader, we are just in charge of the neighborhood that we choose at the start of the project. The challenges are that we cannot meet up as our activities always clash and that someone (me) did not come to school then its quite difficult to contact them about what we have done at home or in school. I would discuss more and stay focused at all times so as to ensure that the task will be finished in time.

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